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Let us run in this race;

Let us fight the good fight.

As we're strengthened by grace

With the power of Christ

For by grace he has saved us

From the sin that enslaved us. 

Now with Christ we are made alive!


So we walk in the light,

With the strength of his might, 

For we follow by faith, not by sight.

Christ's example to show,

In his likeness we grow. 

May we live that his name would be known.


Made new creatures in Christ

For good works that he planned.

In his word we delight, 

And obey his commands

For our Savior has sought us;

With his blood he has bought us;

How his sacrifice taught us love!


While life's trials are sure, 

Let us follow his voice. 

Called with faith to endure,

And in hope to rejoice, 

For our Shepherd will guide us, 

With his Spirit inside us, 

So with Jesus to die is gain!


At the feast of the Lamb, 

Dressed in garments of white, 

In his presence we'll stand, 

Where all wrongs are made right. 

Then we'll join with creation, 

Ev'ry people and nation,

In the shout of Salvation's song!


Words & Music: Erik Dewar

© 2020 Glory & Gladness Music (ASCAP),  All rights reserved. CCLI Song #7180976

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